Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thank you to our dear LISD CNS Department for making time to include our Whitestone Bilingual students in the Roving Chef Program at the last minute!!!!  The students loved learning all about the work that goes into preparing meals for them.  It is very obvious that the program has been very well planned and prepared for.  Our students' participation in this morning's activities laid the foundation for the learning they will acquire during our Bilingual Problem-Based Learning Summer School Program!!!

Learning the proper way to wash our hands before preparing a meal!

Our Mission: Prepare a Garden Salad

Adding our ingredients

Proud of her culinary masterpiece!

Too shy to pose for a picture :o)

Attentively listening to learn about the equipment in our school's cafeteria kitchen.

Taking a tour of our school's kitchen.

Burrr! It's cold inside the freezer!!!

Our proud Chef graduates!!!

1 comment:

  1. Those are amazing pictures of an extraordinary experience, making daily situations an opportunity to learn and make questions, thanks for posting them Cynthia!
